Independent Contractor vs. Employee which is right for my business?

Independent Contractor vs. Employee which is right for my business? So your business is growing and it’s time to get some help.  You reach out to your network and find a willing soul who will help you with the everyday tasks that need to be accomplished in your business, agree to a compensation rate, and…

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Supreme Court opens door for States to Collect Sales Tax from Out of State Sellers

Supreme Court opens door for States to Collect Sales Tax from Out of State Sellers Quill is Dead Long live Wayfair. In an 5-4 split decision on 06/21/2018 the Supreme Court rocked the on-line retail world by ruling in the case South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc. in favor of South Dakota to allow its new…

Are You Prepared for the Latest Independent Contractor Crackdown?

The following is an interview from the website  There has been a good deal of publicity lately about the changing attitudes of government interpretation of what the difference is between independent contractors and employees. Our one sentence synopsis is: Be careful, the courts have started to re-characterize independent contractors as employees even though independent…

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Obama care for Tax Year 2014

The coming affordable healthcare act penalty Open Enrollment at the website starts tomorrow. This year it will be open from November 15, 2014 Until February 15, 2015 for health care coverage in 2015. This is the second year that the so called “marketplace” is open to the public for purchasing health insurance. Regardless of…